Some people need to sort their lives out. Take a good, long hard look at themselves.

I'm one of them.

Anyways, today was a pretty good day. It was kinda weird actually, every something happened that was like a little nugget of joy. Work was surprisingly really good, only one person stopped me to discuss the sad state of affairs that is Royal Mail. Plus, there wasn't much mail, and what there was really brightened my day. It's fantastic to feel that good, before 8am. It doesn't happen very often.

I'm kinda impressed with the Rock Ness line up this year. The Strokes, Plan B and Enter Shikari would be pretty cool to see. Still, the rest of it is mostly not to my taste :/

I'm watching X-Files right now. I got the box set containing all 9 seasons in november or december, and I'm still ploughing through them. It's a brilliant show, which I think never really took off in the UK, to some extent. The episode that's on just now has been pretty deep. Apparently there's been various periods of mass extinction in the Earth's history, and it's basically querying how long till the next period (ie, human life is extinguished) and what triggered the initial spark of life to form the first single cell. Apparently over 97% of species that have ever lived are now extinct. That's pretty terrifying if you ask me. When you consider that all forms of life are really guests on this planet, it's horrific how we abuse and mistreat it.

Ok, I'll jump to my song of the day. This has been stuck in my head for the past few days. And it's pretty easy to get ma groove on to it!! Haha!! I first heard "I Don't Feel Like Dancing" on the radio in the car, while I was waiting in the car while my parents were in a funeral directors. It's funny the things you remember eh?

1.Holy crap....I've listened to Motion City Soundtrack 107 in the past week. That's dedication. Go me.
2. Good luck tomorrow Becca :)
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