The Outlook is Bleak...
So it's been 10 days since my last blog. My bad. I knew it was an inevitability though. I've been hella busy at work. Hopefully things will be different this week....

Every so often I think of things to write about in this, but now I sit down to write, my mind goes predictably blank.

My parents celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary this weekend. A milestone that seems to be rarely reached in this day and age. I guess I'm thankful to them for achieving it. I think love is something that is under appreciated, and misunderstood by a huge number of people.

I like to think 2010 will be full of change for me. Pessimistically, I doubt it. But that doesn't stop me from dreaming. I dream about all sorts. Some of it I'm not inclined to share publicly!! One of my main dreams is about moving. I've thought about moving to all sorts of places; Edinburgh, Glasgow, Manchester, Sydney, Los Angeles. Unfortunately, I just don't have any real reason to move to any of them. That is, I would have no job. I could also say I wouldn't know anyone in some of these places.....but to be honest, that's pretty much the same situation as here.

Right, so I've added a new song. The music player does still exist after the new design, it just doesn't show up to well. It's in the right hand column now. The song is by Calamateur, and I genuinely love this song. Since reading what it's about, I'm not sure that loving it is such a good thing, but it is a great song. I probably won't explain this properly, but I'll try, Calamateur is the stage name of Andrew Howie, whom I have worked with for about 18 months or so now. He has his own blog here, and if you want to listen to more of his music, it can be found here. The vast majority of the music is free, and "Perfect Moment" can be found on his "Jesus is for Losers" album. I'm still holding out for a part on his next album.....the outlook is bleak.....
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