A World Full of Robots
Today I've felt distinctly......I don't know. The only way I can explain it, is by comparing it to Pete Wentz. A guy who I used to think was a complete twat.

When Fall Out Boy really took off, I didn't really understand Pete's deal. He was just the bassist, and background vocalist, but he got all the limelight in the band. I wasn't a particularly big fan of all the promotional work he did, or of the photos of him that circulated the internet.

I soon realised that some of my favourite FOB lyrics were penned by Pete, and that the only reason he played bass guitar was due to his idol being Mark Hoppus. I also learned that Pete tried to kill himself in 2005 after isolating himself more and more.

After following him on Twitter for some time now, I kind of feel as if I understand the guy. He regularly tweets about feeling as if he lives in a world full of robots, or as if his life is all a surreal dream, and that he will wake up anytime soon.

I'm not saying I regularly feel like that, but sometimes I kind of do.

I don't really know where I'm going with this, other than the whole "Don't judge a book by it's cover" thing.

The song I've added today, I heard a few years ago, when I discovered Pandora.com. It was like an internet radio facility, which would play music it thought you would like based on your ratings to previous songs it had played. Unfortunately the site became restricted to US residents only. Today I finally received Jettingham's only major label album released before they broke up. This song also featured in American Pie 2, if you're perhaps wondering why it sounds familiar.
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